Monday, November 30, 2009


It is 2:41AM. I can't sleep due to the noises in my head. MS is in full motion tonight. What I mean is, things are happening in my brain. It feels like current that is trying to connect to something but can't find the connection. Kind of like electrical wires that are live at the end sending out electricity. There is no sleep when this action is going on. I can only wait until it calms down. And it will calm down eventually and I will be able to fall asleep. I am not sure what causes it. Sometimes it fires in my ears. I call it angel wings when it gets in my ears. That is the only way I can tolerate it. When this happens it feels like an Alain from outer space has taken over my brain and is trying to control my thoughts. That is just a funny way of thinking about it and another way to tolerate it. More later......Lady Di

Peaceful For Now

My friend MS and I are doing OK right now. I am getting enough rest. I'm saying No to a lot of things being asked of me (well, most things) and trying to not feel guilty about it. You see, with MS being the invisible disease it is so easy for people to think you are feeling fine, and thinking you apparently have a lot of time on your hands, will ask a favor, or suggest doing something with them or for them. The problem is, with MS it is hard to plan for anything. A lot of the time you go to bed feeling just fine, but when you wake up it can be a whole different game. The hard part for me in the past was the feeling of guilt for saying no. Now, though I have been taking better care of MS and myself so that I can get through the Holidays without stressing MS out. MS does not like to be stressed out or there will be hell to pay.
More later .... Lady Di

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Fog Has Lifted

The fog has lifted. My head is pretty clear as far as my thinking process is concerned. For now, at least, I really must take advantage of being clear in my head, so that I can accomplish some of the things I need to do. Paying bills will be coming up on the first of the month. I will need a clear head for that. Hopefully the fog will stay away long enough. I never know when the fog will appear, however. When the fog happens I also lose my balance a lot. I bump into things, and drop things. I have a harder time saying things clearly. When the fog happens MS is simply a pain in the ass. There is just no other way to say it. More later..... Lady Di

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In A Fog

MS has me in that fog today. This will not be a good day to make any decisions, or do anything that takes brain power because it will take an extra longer time, I am even having trouble typing this post. I hate this feeling of being in a fog. However, there is nothing I can do except wait it out. Maybe tomorrow will be better.....More later Lady Di

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sick Right Now

My friend MS and I are sick right now. I don't think it's the flu though. Maybe more of a weather change type of thing. The flu is so prevalent now. Any sneezing in public makes people afraid to be near you. And, MS makes any sickness I have feel like it is something serious. I had several sneezing outbursts in public yesterday. Chills and headache followed. MS took over and decided we needed to go home and go to bed. I have slept now for a total of seventeen hours. Sometimes with MS I have to sleep that much just to get back on my feet. Any stress at all can cause MS to take over and put me down. I have been stressed about going to a church homecoming. MS decided we were not going.
More later...Lady Di

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Along

My MS friend and I are getting along pretty good right now. I think the weather has something to do with it. It is crisp and cool outside right now. MS loves cool weather and helps me feel really good. It is during these days that I feel somewhat normal again. It is so nice of MS to share good days with me. I tend to get a lot more done during my good days. I have more energy. My cognitive abilities are sharper. I don't have to take as much pain medication either. These are the days when my friend MS and I are more compatible. More later....Lady Di

Sunday, October 25, 2009

MS and Shopping

I took my little Friend MS shopping. MS don't like shopping at all. MS decided pretty fast that it was done and needed to go home. MS has never liked shopping. It gets dizzy and extremely tired. MS really doesn't like to try on cloths. It gets exhausted and out of breath. It just can't go on. I don't like to take MS shopping. It's like MS and I are fighting a battle. I want to look at things and try on cloths. MS will have none of that. MS constantly says "Get me Out of Here". MS usually wins out . I just came home and crashed.
More later......Lady Di

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here I go. Writing about my best friend MS. I have had MS since 2003. I decided to call MS my friend because, as an enemy, we were just not getting along that well. Amazingly, once it became my friend we are not fighting each other so much now. MS has actually slowed me down so that I can appreciate the things of this world,my family, my other friends, birds, trees, flowers.
This is my first attempt at Blogging so over look my bumps in the road.
MS is my control freak friend. Oh yes, MS is totally in control, (NOT!). You see I fight back with proper food, proper temperature, enough rest, and stress control. MS has to be your best friend because it just must come before all your other friends. I use to totally hate MS. After accepting that I will never shake MS I decided we had to become friends. MS is with me every day, all day long.
More later .....Lady Di